Erika JONES: archery world traveller

This article is taken from a feature published on the Archery 360 website last month: Read the original article in full.

…locales including China, France and Colombia – and it’s all because of archery.

Erika says her favourite event to shoot is her local archery club’s league night because it’s relaxing and fun, but she appreciates opportunities to compete and be an archery world traveler.

For JONES, shooting for the stars means traveling often to compete in up to 25 tournaments from January to September. She spoke about how archery has taken her all over the world, and reveals some of her travel favourites.

How often do you travel for archery?

It depends on the year, but usually I have about 22 to 25 tournaments between January and September. During these months, I’m gone more than I’m home. There are some months that I may only be home for seven days or less. Depending on the tournament, I have to be away anywhere from three days to two weeks.

Where is your top archery destination and why?

My favorite archery travel destination is Paris, France. I competed in the World Cup Final there in 2013. I enjoyed the history and culture of the city, and I’ll never forget shooting the competition at the base of the Eiffel Tower.

Have you tried any adventurous food while traveling for archery? Where were you and what did you try?

It’s not really “adventurous,” but every time I go to Turkey I can’t wait to eat baklava, a sweet, flaky pastry filled with chopped nuts and held together with honey or syrup. I could eat it with every meal.


Where would you like to go that you haven’t been before?

I’d like to go to Africa and Australia so I can say I’ve visited all the continents (excluding Antarctica).

Erika JONES leads the compound women’s 2014 Archery World Cup series rankings, ahead of the fourth and last stage in Wroclaw, Poland at the start of August. Follow Erika on TwitterFacebook and Instagram.
