44 world records for barebow archers to be introduced in January 2020

Barebow archers will be able to claim world records at indoor and outdoor competitions from 15 January 2020 when the new rulebook comes into effect. The changes required to add the 44 records for barebows were approved at World Archery Congress in June.
Records are being introduced for the new barebow outdoor and indoor ranking rounds and can be claimed in cadet, junior, senior and master age groups.
The outdoor ranking round for barebows consists of 72 arrows shot over 50 metres at a 122-centimetre target face. The indoor ranking rounds – both 18 and 25 metres – follow the same rules as for the recurve bow.
Due to the large number of records being added at one time and the expectation that many record scores will be set in the first few months, the initial ratification of records will happen in two phases.

From 15 January to 31 March, indoor records may be claimed but none will be ratified. On 1 April, the top indoor scores shot during this period will then be ratified in bulk.
The same will apply to outdoor records but the initial period will extend until 31 May and ratification will take place on 1 June.
From 1 April for indoor records and 1 June for outdoor records, scores will be claimed and ratified normally.
The claim and ratification process for world records takes place through national archery federations. World record scores can be shot at any recognised tournament – which are listed in the online calendar – and must be claimed within 10 days.
Member associations can claim records through World Archery’s extranet.
New barebow records
The following records can be claimed by individuals in cadet, junior, senior and master age groups.
- Outdoor ranking round (72 arrows at 50 metres)
- Double outdoor ranking round (144 arrows at 50 metres)
- Indoor 18-metre ranking round (60 arrows at 18 metres)
- Indoor 25-metre ranking round (60 arrows at 25 metres)
The following records can be claimed by national teams in cadet, junior, senior and master age groups. (There must be a minimum of three national teams at a tournament for the record to be ratified.)
- Team outdoor ranking round (216 arrows at 50 metres)
- Mixed team ranking round (144 arrows at 50 metres)

Introduction timeline
- 15 January 2020: Barebow scores shot from this day can be claimed as records.
- 31 March 2020: End of indoor record introduction period.
- 1 April 2020: Highest indoor scores shot so far ratified as world records.
- 31 May 2020: End of outdoor record introduction period.
- 1 June 2020: Highest outdoor scores shot so far ratified as world records.
World records can be shot at recognised competitions, which are listed in the online calendar, and are claimed through national federations.