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1 April 2008 - Finals in the Oldest Fort in the New World
Finals in the Oldest Fort in the New World
Santo Domingo, 1 April 2008
On Saturday 5 April, the team and individual finals of the World Cup Stage 1 in Santo Domingo will take place in Fortaleza Ozama. This is the oldest fort in the New World.
After the Mayapan Pyramids in 2006 and the Dubai Burj al Arab seven-star hotel complex in 2007, the Meteksan Archery World Cup will make another stop to a truly special venue.
At just over 500 years old, the Fortaleza Ozama is the oldest military structure in the New World and was built in 1507 by Fray Nicolas Ovando. It served as a garrison and prison up until it was opened to the public for touring in the 1960s. The Tower of Homage, clearly visible just through the main gate, offers a clue to the longevity of the fort, sporting two-meter thick walls, and dozens of riflemen embrasures. Tourists can take the spiral staircase to the roof of the tower for beautiful 360 degree views of the city. This impressive fort also has of interest the old powder house standing off to the side, with a statue of Gonzalo Fernandez de Oviedo, historian, scientists and mayor of the city in the 1530s. On Saturday, the statue will actually just look over the targets that archers will shoot on during the finals of the 2008 Meteksan World Cup Stage 1 in Santo Domingo.
The capital of the Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, was the first Spanish settlement in the Americas. Christopher Columbus first disembarked on the north shore of Dominican Republic, in Puerto Plata, in 1492. He came back there in 1496 and started moving down the islands to finally reach Santo Domingo. Columbus’ legacy is preserved in the bricks and mortar of the historic old section of Santo Domingo. The town is used to being first: it boasts the western hemisphere's first cathedral, first monastery, first hospital, first university and first law court.
There are two sides to the Dominican Republic, just like there are two sides of the Caribbean island of Hispaniola on which the Republic is situated. The Dominican Republic shares the island with neighbouring Haiti. Inside the confines of the many resort hotels along the beautiful coastline, tourists languish in luxury, sipping cocktails under the palm trees and bathing in beautiful blue lagoons. The other face of the Dominican Republic can be found along the country roads, among the sugar cane, coffee and cocoa bean fields, where people labour in the sun and men play dominoes outside tumble-down shacks.
We are looking forward to exciting finals!
Didier Miéville FITA Communication
After the Mayapan Pyramids in 2006 and the Dubai Burj al Arab seven-star hotel complex in 2007, the Meteksan Archery World Cup will make another stop to a truly special venue.
At just over 500 years old, the Fortaleza Ozama is the oldest military structure in the New World and was built in 1507 by Fray Nicolas Ovando. It served as a garrison and prison up until it was opened to the public for touring in the 1960s. The Tower of Homage, clearly visible just through the main gate, offers a clue to the longevity of the fort, sporting two-meter thick walls, and dozens of riflemen embrasures. Tourists can take the spiral staircase to the roof of the tower for beautiful 360 degree views of the city. This impressive fort also has of interest the old powder house standing off to the side, with a statue of Gonzalo Fernandez de Oviedo, historian, scientists and mayor of the city in the 1530s. On Saturday, the statue will actually just look over the targets that archers will shoot on during the finals of the 2008 Meteksan World Cup Stage 1 in Santo Domingo.
The capital of the Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, was the first Spanish settlement in the Americas. Christopher Columbus first disembarked on the north shore of Dominican Republic, in Puerto Plata, in 1492. He came back there in 1496 and started moving down the islands to finally reach Santo Domingo. Columbus’ legacy is preserved in the bricks and mortar of the historic old section of Santo Domingo. The town is used to being first: it boasts the western hemisphere's first cathedral, first monastery, first hospital, first university and first law court.
There are two sides to the Dominican Republic, just like there are two sides of the Caribbean island of Hispaniola on which the Republic is situated. The Dominican Republic shares the island with neighbouring Haiti. Inside the confines of the many resort hotels along the beautiful coastline, tourists languish in luxury, sipping cocktails under the palm trees and bathing in beautiful blue lagoons. The other face of the Dominican Republic can be found along the country roads, among the sugar cane, coffee and cocoa bean fields, where people labour in the sun and men play dominoes outside tumble-down shacks.
We are looking forward to exciting finals!
Didier Miéville FITA Communication