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Review of Para-Archery World Ranking Event Bangkok 2012
Despite extensive advertising and in the year of the Paralympic Games, it was a great disappointment that only six countries outside Thailand entered athletes. Those countries, Canada, Kazakstan, Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, Russia and Thailand, enjoyed good weather and a well run tournament which was just the preparation needed at the start of this important year for Para athletes. The timing was also good for most of the athletes who had just come out of a long, hard winter and they could enjoy the sun.
The outstanding result was the new World Record for the recurve men standing division for the 70m round. The record of Alexandre LASVENES (FRA) of 649 had stood since 2010 but was smashed by Timur TUCHINOV of Russia. He recorded 650 points and is likely to be a force in London.
The Thai organisers have expressed a willingness to hold such an event early next year when it is hoped many more countries and archers will compete.
Grateful thanks are expressed to Major Jamil BAHARUDDIN for stepping in as Technical Delegate at the last minute.
Carole HICKS
World Archery Para-Archery Committee