Mexican celebrities try sport ahead of Archery World Cup Final

Among the stars at celebrity day in Mexico City were clowns Cepillin, Cepi and Franky, TV presenters, sports commentators and representatives from the sports authorities.
The elite archers ready to participate in the Mexico City 2015 Archery World Cup Final on 24/25 October were happy to teach the celebs how to shoot before teaming up in a round-robin competition.
Director General of the Sports Institute of the Federal District Horacio De la Vega said he was honoured to participate in a try-on archery with both the celebrities and international athletes.
Teaming up with USA recurve archer Collin Klimitchek, Mexican compounder Linda Ochoa and actress Maria Zel, Horacio made it to the finals before losing the bronze medal match!
“We’re delighted to hold these events, not only this one this afternoon but now especially the Archery World Cup Final. It’s something we’re really pushing hard for, to make Mexico City a capital of sport,” he said.
It was Cepillin the clown’s first shot at the sport, but he said it was easy because “he had a good teacher” – none less than number one compound woman Sara Lopez from Colombia.
“I’m very happy that I passed the class,” he said.
The Celebrity Day competition was won by the team of recurvers Alejandra Valencia of Mexico and Miguel Alvarino of Spain, clown Cepi (Cepillin’s clown son) and sports commentator Jorge Sanchez, after they beat Mexican compound woman Stephanie Salinas, compound world champion Stephan Hansen, Franky and Communications Director of the Sports Department of Mexico City Jyasu Macias.
The Archery World Cup Final will be held on 24/25 October 2015 at the Zócalo in the centre of Mexico City.