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Full draw faces: how six different international archers anchor
1) Viktor RUBAN uses a now-rare behind the neck thumb anchor. It’s always been more popular in Eastern Europe than anywhere else – and he’s found success using it. (Remember the Ukrainian’s Beijing 2008 Olympic gold?)
2) Known for having a deep lean in his shooting stance, the USA’s Reo WILDE gets severe depth in his draw, too. His anchor hand goes all the way behind his neck meaning he can keep his head dead straight on the target.
3) Mexico’s Mariana GARCIA’s recurve string runs hard across the front of her face.
4) Wide on his chin and hard on the middle of his nose: Canada’s Crispin DUENAS.
5) Multiple World Cup silver-medallist Deepika KUMARI’s string perches on the tip of her chin, mouth and nose. It’s soft, but super consistent.
6) Colombia’s best shot at a compound men’s finalist at Lausanne 2014 comes in the form of Daniel MUNOZ. He aims with his hand on the side of his face, the string cutting deep across his slightly-swivled head.
Competition at Wroclaw 2014, the fourth and last stage of this year’s Archery World Cup, starts on Wednesday. Follow coverage throuhghout the week on, Facebook and by following @worldarchery on Twitter.