KUMARI’s back, what can we expect?

Medellin is Deepika KUMARI’s first World Cup stage of the year, as last year’s World Cup Final silver medallist was beaten out of the Indian squad earlier in the year. Without her, the recurve team struggled in China and the press in India haven’t been particularly kind.

Headlines like “Indian archers flop…” and “Archers misfire” were rife in the week after the first stage. It’s a tough environment for archers to endure.

Now, with KUMARI back on the field, hopes back in India are high. Deepika hasn’t got those media in mind.

“Right now, I feel like… my shooting has been so bad over the last six months,” she admitted. “My scores are down right now, so far. I feel nothing.”

Deepika said that she wasn’t thinking about the loss in the Indian selection shoot – but on the tournament ahead: “Right now, I’m just trying to keep shooting at my best.”

“I’m trying. And I’m practising, a lot.”

Hard work is the way out of this archery slump Deepika KUMARI’s found herself in recently. With multiple World Cup Final silver medals and a Commonwealth gold – the one that she broke out with – to her name, chances are she’ll get there.

How soon, and how she’ll do in Medellin, remains to be seen.

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