World Archery launches Indoor World Series bid process

Following the success of the Indoor Archery World Cup since its official launch in 2010, World Archery has launched an event bid process for an updated and expanded version of the circuit called the Indoor World Series, due to debut for the 2018/19 season.
Key differences with the new series include three levels of event – 1000, 500 and 250 – each with different requirements, the creation of both elite and participation ranking lists, and the inclusion of a team ranking.
Events will be encouraged to develop strong identities, like The Vegas Shoot and Nimes Indoor Tournament, and improve year-on-year.
“The indoor circuit is appealing because it is open entry, tournaments are of a manageable length and the competition is accessible to a wide range of archers,” said World Archery Secretary General Tom Dielen.
“We’re hoping to build on the popularity of the Indoor Archery World Cup with the new Indoor World Series by emphasising the aspects of the format – both as a world-class competition and a mass-participation event – that make it such a success.”
It is expected that the tour will grow from four to between six and eight stages in the first season. Las Vegas as a stage and the final, and Nimes and Cancun as stages, are already confirmed.
Interested potential tournament organisers are invited to read the bid documents and apply for Indoor World Series inclusion before the deadline of 15 May 2018.
More information for interested archers will be available following the conclusion of the bid process.