Easton’s three-generation commitment to international archery

Re-elected for a second four-year term as a member of World Archery’s Executive Board at Congress in Mexico City, Greg Easton continues a long history of his family’s support of the sport.
His name, Easton, lends itself to a brand of arrows that many competitors use (as well as baseball bats, ice hockey and cycling gear) and his father, James L. Easton, was World Archery President from 1989 to 2005 and a Vice President of the International Olympic Committee.

Doug Easton, Greg’s grandfather, released the world’s first aluminium arrows in 1939.
“I started shooting archery when I was about 10 years old in my grandparents' yard, in the front we had 90 meters and in the back a shorter target,” said Greg.
“I spent a lot of weekends at their house and I can recall shooting there and also watching top archers shoot. I still remember all the bows that were hanging on the wall in my grandfather’s workshop.”

Born in 1964, Greg holds a bachelor of arts degree in economics and a master in business administration, both from UCLA. He now lives in Park City, Utah (USA) with his wife and their two children.
“When I was young, my dad told me that less than 10% of family business ever make it to the third generation, so I am proud to have accomplished that transition and look forward to our 100th year anniversary in 2022,” said Greg.
As well as overseeing Jas. D. Easton’s core business, Greg also leads its philanthropic ventures through the Easton Sports Development Foundation, which has been a major financier behind archery centres across the USA and contributed to the World Archery Excellence Centre in Lausanne.

In fact, the Lausanne project was the vision of Greg’s father, Jim.
“He has always been looking for ways to make the events and the sport of archery better, and I value the lessons I learned from him,” said Greg.
While sitting on World Archery’s executive board, Greg also serves on the board of the International Foundation for the Development of Archery, the Archery Trade Association, USA Archery, the National Field Archery Association and Utah Sports Commission.
He’s also brought events to his home state.

Utah hosted the 2009 World Archery Youth Championships and Hyundai Archery World Cup stages from 2010 to 2012, and will from 2017 through 2019.
Working internationally, contributing time to international organisations and bringing international athletes to the US has given Greg a profound understanding for the challenges archery faces in the diverse environments around the world.
“Every member association faces different issues but there are also similarities, so sharing the progresses and successes can be helpful for everyone,” Greg explains.

World Archery’s Executive Board makes decisions between Congresses based on the mandate issued at the start of the period.
The biggest challenge, said Greg, is to make sure to consider the needs of all the constituents of World Archery: member associations, athletes, coaches and the spectators, as well as the sponsors.
With his proven background in business, Greg offers a measured approach, looking for the soundest outcome for World Archery and a sport, the Easton family has believed for many years, that has the potential for wide growth.

“There are so many things you can do in archery, there is something for everyone. Young or old, fast or slow, everyone can shoot archery,” he said.
No matter the boards, the centres and the future, there’s still something very special about the root of Easton in archery, the only other piece of equipment as ubiquitous as the bow:
“An arrow might introduce a kid to archery. It might be the arrow that fulfils a lifelong dream. It might be the arrow that wins a gold medal at the Olympic Games for somebody.”