The Real Record in Vegas: 50 Years of Perfect Attendance

A then-22-year-old young man, Bob Jacobsen had just opened his very own archery shop, Jake’s High County Archery - which he still runs to this day – when he turned up to the Sahara Hotel in Las Vegas for the Colt-Sahara and NFAA Indoor Championships in ’62.
Fifty-odd years and 49 editions later (there were years when the competition didn’t run), Bob’s the only shooter to have attended, and competed in, every single Vegas Shoot.
“Archery is one of those things that I took to and just love it,” he says. “I got into the business and the competition thing was really fun for me.”
Bob wasn’t content as a casual competitor in Vegas. In 1974, he won the tournament.
“I was the last guy to win it with a recurve bow and the first guy to win it on the 10-ring face,” Bob recalls of his best memory at the event.
He shot a release aid with custom crested arrows, made and painted himself, the year that the now-standard World Archery-style target face was introduced to Vegas.
“I believe I’m the only one to have won using hand crested arrows,” says Bob.

Since that event, he says, it’s the growth of the compound bow and increase in competitive level at the top of the championship divisions that’s been so impressive.
The year Bob won, a single archer shot a perfect 300 on the first day. Now, it’s typically many more.
“Anyone who attends has the chance to shoot with some of the best archers in the world, and that’s what makes it so special,” the 75-year-old adds.
“Vegas is one of those things I have to keep going to. As long as I can pull a bow and arrow back, I will be there.”