Flash Quotes

Recurve Men Teams   Marc DELLENBACH (FRA) – Coach – Bronze medal We are quite satisfied about our two first matches (226 and 223) because my archers were about to put a new team national best. However, one of the three archers had a lack of accuracy even if the two others shot very well. During the match against USA in the semis, the first end has been very tough because they have been pushed to the very last limit of time. The last archer shot a 5. We started on the next end with 10 points away from our opponents, our scoring was not enough to keep on hoping to win this match. During the bronze medal match, they had to work hard on them: even if they won the match and the medal, their defeat against USA was hard to overcome.  Recurve Women Teams   Aida ROMAN (MEX) – Bronze medal It’s an interesting day for my team and I because when we shot our second match versus China, I wasn’t shooting well and my teammates have been very helpful to me. It helped us to win the match. Then I shot even more better during the bronze medal match, so my teammates. There had a good atmosphere between us. I really enjoy shooting in such conditions.   Bérengère SCHUH (FRA) – 1/4 final I am satisfied with our first match (1/8) against the British archers because everything went fine. We won 215 to 209. Then, against India, it’s a shame because we shot well during the first half of the match, with 110 points. We had then couple of bad shots whereas the Indians, well known for their abilities, did not let us any chance.     World Archery Communication