Rushmore Rumble added as last live event of 2021 Indoor Archery World Series

Results from the Rushmore Rumble will now automatically count towards the open ranking for the 2021 Indoor Archery World Series.
The new tournament is scheduled to take place on 12-14 February at the NFAA Easton Archery Centre in Yankton, USA, alongside the fourth remote stage of the international indoor circuit and filling the Vegas Shoot’s traditional spot in the calendar.
It was announced at the end of last year that the Vegas format would change this season due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. More information on that event is expected soon.
Recurve and barebow archers who compete at the Rushmore Rumble will have their scores for the first 60 arrows of competition automatically added to the final results list for the fourth stage of the remote Indoor Archery World Series.
The scores of compound archers will also be included however they will be adjusted to fit with World Archery rules, using only the National Field Archery Association’s two-centimetre X-ring to score 10 points.
Participants will not need to register for the online tournament separately.
If any archer shoots in the Rushmore Rumble and submits a different score for the online stage, only the result from the Rushmore Rumble will be counted.
Coverage of the Rushmore Rumble will be available across National Field Archery Association, World Archery and Indoor Archery World Series digital platforms.
The live event coinciding this weekend’s third remote stage of the 2021 Indoor Archery World Series is set to take place at the Dutch national training centre in Papendal. The Netherland‘s Olympic squad, which has two entries in the circuit’s team competition, is hosting archers from Belgium in a small invitational tournament.
A remote final for teams is scheduled for 27-28 February 2021.
More than 5000 archers around the world are registered to compete in the January virtual stage, which starts this Friday.
The 2021 Indoor Archery World Series is a mass-participation circuit of live and online archery tournaments.